Full Moon Meditation – Saturday, November 4th at 2:30 PM GMT
According to Cobra, there was a big purification of the energy of the moon in the last decade. Now our moon is completely clear and a pure natural body of light. It is transmitting energy of the pure feminine principle to the planet. Therefore, each full moon is a wonderful location to connect with that energy.
In particular, the upcoming November Taurus Full Moon marks the first of a trilogy of Super Full Moons happening over November & December 2017 & January 2018.
Energy runs high during a super full moon. People may feel more emotional, electric, experience sleep disturbances or have expressive / lucid dreams. Some people may also find their intuitions are heightened, synchronicity more pronounced and become more aware or sensitive to the energy of the environment, people, plants and animals.
Since this is an excellent opportunity to help the Light Forces, we are going to do the a special meditation during the time of every full moon.
According to the links below, the exact time of the next full moon will be on Saturday, November 4th at 5:23 am GMT. However, we will set the time of this meditation to be at 2:30 PM GMT for all future full moons so that most people across the planet can participate.
The guided audio for this meditaiton in English can be found in the link below. Guided audio in other languages will be made available soon.
Playlist by Smaly7:
A Facebook event for this meditation can also be found here:
1. Use your own technique to bring you to a relaxed state of consciousness.
2. State your intent to use the present meditation, during this Full Moon, as a powerful Light Portal anchoring Pure Divine Feminine energy to the planet.
3. Visualize a pillar of Light emanating from the Galactic Central Sun, going through all points of Light in our galaxy and in our solar system and then through your body to the center of the Earth. Then visualize another pillar of Light rising from the core of the planet and going through you and then through all beings of Light in our galaxy back to the Galactic Central Sun. You are now anchored in two pillars of Light, the energy is flowing donwards and upwards simultaneously.
4. Now visualize this energy as Soft Pink Ray of Light flowing through your body and then through your hands in form of a spiral expanding throughout the whole planet encompassing all beings and all life on Gaia and the planet itself. Visualize this soft pink light healing all beings, animals and plants, healing minds and hearts of every man, woman and child.
5. See all beings on the planet experiencing pure Goddess energy. See them free from the grip of the dark forces, see them all healed, with all burdens taken away. Visualize all people living in Peace, Harmony, Love and Understanding with each other. See them celebrating and joyfully participating in the creation of the New society on planet in abundance, prosperity and unity. And then see everybody’s needs being met and everybody living their life as they desire.
6. See the Flower of Life Planetary Light Grid filled with loving pink Goddess Light of Unconditional Love. Visualize all goddess vortices on the planet being activated together with all divine masculine vortices and the planetary Light grid being accomplished and fully activated.
And so it is